I know that it is not a good idea to use titlesec together with KOMA script, but it worked in the past. Now it does not work and since I rely on KOMA script I would like to replace the remaining titlesec code with something more generic or at least KOMA script compatible:

%--> chapter with 'chapter' + number + rule + name + rule
% --------------------------------
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]               % {command}[shape]
  {\usekomafont{chapter}\Large \color{black}} % format
  {\LARGE\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename}%   % label
   \Huge~\thechapter \filright}%  
  {1pt}                                          % sep (from chapternumber)
   \titlerule \vspace{0.9pc} % 
  }                                           % (before chaptertitle and after)
  [\color{black} \vspace{0.9pc} \filright {\titlerule}] %
% --------------------------------

example chapter heading

%--> part with 'PART' + number at frame and name inside frame
% --------------------------------
  {\usekomafont{part}\Large\color{black}\centering}    % format
  % label: PART I
  {\enspace \LARGE\MakeUppercase{\partname}%           
     \centering \Huge~\thepart \enspace }%  
  % sep (from partnumber)
  % (before chaptertitle and after)
% --------------------------------

example part heading

% spacing before and after sections

I have no code prepared simply because this is to me LateX or KOMA internal code I do not know well enough.

The code is used in my template, thus the solution is going to be used by many other people as well and public anyway.




% --------------------------------
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]               % {command}[shape]
  {\usekomafont{chapter}\Large \color{black}} % format
  {\LARGE\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename}%   % label
   \Huge~\thechapter \filright}%  
  {1pt}                                          % sep (from chapternumber)
   \titlerule \vspace{0.9pc} % 
  }                                           % (before chaptertitle and after)
  [\color{black} \vspace{0.9pc} \filright {\titlerule}] %
% --------------------------------

%--> part with 'PART' + number at frame and name inside frame
% --------------------------------
  {\usekomafont{part}\Large\color{black}\centering}    % format
  % label: PART I
  {\enspace \LARGE\MakeUppercase{\partname}%           
     \centering \Huge~\thepart \enspace }%  
  % sep (from partnumber)
  % (before chaptertitle and after)

% --------------------------------

% spacing before and after sections


\part{Part Title}




  • Please provide a minimal example rather than code fragments. When I complete your code in an obvious way, it works fine. Which isn't to say it is a good idea to use titlesec with KOMA. But it does work.
    – cfr
    Commented May 2, 2016 at 21:23
  • I added an example. it does not compile, which is expected. It should compile with old versions of titlesec and koma. Commented May 3, 2016 at 8:19
  • 2
    Matthias, you gotta update once in a while. Your example runs fine, except for the various warnings.
    – Johannes_B
    Commented May 3, 2016 at 8:25
  • @esdd Do you want to add an answer with the most recent and relevant information at Incompatibilities between KOMA-Script and titlesec
    – Johannes_B
    Commented May 3, 2016 at 8:28
  • I updated using texlive today. Commented May 3, 2016 at 12:07

1 Answer 1


Second Update Since version 3.25 KOMA-Script provides \partlineswithprefixformat, too:

\documentclass[chapterprefix,numbers=noenddot]{scrbook}[2018/03/30]% needs version 3.25 or newer

% part


\renewcommand*\partlineswithprefixformat[3]{% needs KOMA-Script version 3.25 or newer
        {\centering \color{blue}#3}%

% chapter



% other section levels
  beforeskip=-2ex plus -.6ex minus -0.12ex,
  afterskip=.5ex plus .05ex

  beforeskip=-1.5ex plus -.45ex minus -0.09ex,
  afterskip=.5ex plus .05ex

\addpart{Part without number}
\part{Part Title}
\part{Second title}


It is also possible to use style=chapter for parts. Then \chapterlineswithprefixformat can also be used to set the layout for the part titles.


% part and chapter




          {\centering \color{blue}#3}%

% other section levels
  beforeskip=-2ex plus -.6ex minus -0.12ex,
  afterskip=.5ex plus .05ex

  beforeskip=-1.5ex plus -.45ex minus -0.09ex,
  afterskip=.5ex plus .05ex

\addpart{Part without number}
\part{Part Title}
\part{Second title}

Original answer

Your code will work with titlesec version 2016/03/21 v2.10.2 and the prerelease of KOMA-Script 3.20. See Fehler bei Verwendung von titlesec (German).

But here is also a suggestion without titlesec.

  • You can use \RedeclareSectionCommand and \RedeclareSectionCommands to set the vertical skips before and after section headings.
  • To change the layout of the chapter titles redefine the commands \chapterformat and \chapterlineswithprefix. Note that I use option chapterprefix.
  • Unfortunaly there is no \partlineswithprefixformat yet. So I use TikZ to draw the frame around the part titles. Therefore the example needs two runs.



% part
  \tikz[remember picture]\node[inner ysep=0pt,inner xsep=.5em](partnumber)

    {\tikz[remember picture]\coordinate(partstart);\\*[1.5\baselineskip]}
    {\tikz[remember picture,overlay]\draw(partnumber)-|(0,0)--+(\textwidth,0)|-(partnumber);}
    {\tikz[remember picture,overlay]\draw(partstart)-|(0,0)--+(\textwidth,0)|-(partstart);}%

% chapter



% other section levels

  beforeskip=-2ex plus -.6ex minus -0.12ex,
  afterskip=.5ex plus .05ex

  beforeskip=-1.5ex plus -.45ex minus -0.09ex,
  afterskip=.5ex plus .05ex

\addpart{Part without number}
\part{Part Title}
\part{Second title}

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

  • Wonderful. However, I would rather not want to depend on tikz. This package is great, but it takes a huge time to load and I recommend to not load it if not needed. Since this is a template I want to rely only on very basic packages. For example I load etoolbox. xpatch is ok too. I assume that it is possible to draw the lines using basic LaTeX commands. Commented May 3, 2016 at 20:03
  • See my updated answer.
    – esdd
    Commented May 4, 2016 at 8:23
  • 1
    I inserted the code in my template and it works. I also added a link to this site and give credit to the author of the code. The code will go online in a few days Commented May 4, 2016 at 21:09

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