While I couldn't get David Carlisle's answer to work, I made a simple tielable vector version of the xkcd snake:
PDF_LITERAL = node.subtype("pdf_literal")
WS = node.id("whatsit")
GLUE = node.id("glue")
add_image = function(line, n, width, height, name)
local sni = img.node{filename=name}
sni.height = height
sni.width = width
return node.insert_before(line,n,sni)
add_snake = function(line, n, width, height)
local segments_middle = 0;
local segments_wave = 0;
local unstretched_width = height * (1.0 + 1.5)
while unstretched_width + height * 1.5 < width do
unstretched_width = unstretched_width + height * 1.5
segments_wave = segments_wave + 1
while unstretched_width + height * 0.5 < width do
unstretched_width = unstretched_width + height * 0.5
segments_middle = segments_middle + 1
local stretch = width / unstretched_width
line = add_image(line, n, height * 1.0 * stretch, height, "snake_tail.pdf")
for i = 1, segments_wave do
line = add_image(line, n, height * 1.5 * stretch, height, "snake_wave.pdf")
for i = 1, segments_middle do
line = add_image(line, n, height * 0.5 * stretch, height, "snake_middle.pdf")
line = add_image(line, n, height * 1.5 * stretch, height, "snake_head.pdf")
return line
local w = 1250000 % remove when effective_glue works!
snakefill = function(head)
for line in node.traverse_id(0,head) do
for n in node.traverse_id(GLUE,line.head) do
if n.subtype == 9 then
%local w = node.effective_glue(n,line) / 65536
w = w * 1.1 % remove when effective_glue works!
local h = 500000
line = add_snake(line, n, w, 500000)
return head
luatexbase.add_to_callback("post_linebreak_filter",snakefill,"snake fill")
luatexbase.remove_from_callback("post_linebreak_filter","snake fill")
\noindent Their famous paper on the relationship between deindustrialization and the growth of ecological\ldots\par
\noindent Their famous paper on the relationship between deindustrialization and the growth of ecological\ldots\par
\noindent Their famous paper on the relationship between deindustrialization and the growth of ecological\ldots\par
The snake images can be obtained from this gist. I'll update the post if I find a way to get effective_glue
to work.