I have a sidecaption in a Memoir class document that is very long. I need to create a short version of that caption for the list of figures. I have tried

\begin{sidecaption}[short caption]{long caption}

but that doesn't work, the "short caption" just disappears. How do I make a short caption when using Memoir's sidecaption environment?


  • 2
    (1) welcome, (2) next time you have a question please make the code into something compilable as is. That makes it a lot easier for others to help
    – daleif
    Commented May 4, 2016 at 17:48

1 Answer 1


OK, I don't know what happened. But apparently the code that I used in my question:

\begin{sidecaption}[short caption]{long caption}

does work. I must not have compiled the code enough times. Possibly it takes 3 times - at least with my system. I had done it two times when I posted the question.

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