I'm using the backnaur package to write the BNF of a simple programming language I made. But now I have a fairly long definition and it gives an overflow. I tried adding newlines using \\
but this results in an odd alignment. I've also tried \newline
but this doesn't do anything. I can't anything about newlines in the package documentation (http://ctan.sharelatex.com/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/backnaur/backnaur.pdf). This is my code:
\section{Syntax van de taal}
\bnfts{setLight} \bnfpn{expression} \bnfpn{light} \bnfpn{expression} \bnfpn{expression} \bnfpn{expression}
\bnfts{drive} \bnfpn{expression} \bnfpn{direction} \bnfpn{expression}
\bnfts{closeBot} \bnfpn{expression}
\bnfts{print} \bnfpn{expression}
\bnfts{printLn} \bnfpn{expression}
\bnfts{sleep} \bnfpn{expression}
And this is an image showing my problem: