I'm not sure what package I've loaded, but my figures are being printed automatically as "Fig. #", while my tables are printed automatically as "Table #".
Is there a way to just get the number?
Also, I've read the default is for Figures to be labeled as "Figure" not "Fig.", I am not sure what I've loaded. How can I decipher the source (or return the behavior to the original).
My preamble is quite complicated, I'm not sure I could simply comment out various packages and see which one removes the behavior I'm wanting to change.
As requested here is a MWE. I have commented out the other packages that I am including in my main document, just in case it changes your answer or assistance.
%\usepackage[left=1.5in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in, headsep=0.1in, head=0.4in, includehead, includefoot, marginparsep=0in, marginparwidth=0in,footskip=0.4in]{geometry}
%\usepackage{bpchem} %labeling and referencing of compounds
\usepackage[journal=rsc,tracking=bpchem]{chemstyle} %for schemes and such
%\usepackage{textcomp} %use for symbols
%\usepackage{multirow} % for mutlirow
%\usepackage{mciteplus} % for multicitations
%\usepackage[super=true,journal=jacsat,maxauthors=0]{achemso} %for proper citation formatting
%\usepackage{flafter} %floats appear after their
%\usepackage{floatrow} %float customization
%\usepackage{textgreek} %greek text
%\usepackage{bm} %bold math text
%\usepackage[pdfborder={0 0 0},plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels=\thepage,bookmarks=true,breaklinks=true]{hyperref}
package and\cref
) for cross-references? May be\vref
also withvarioref
package? Or some other listed here ?