Math isn't the problem if you are happy with the "normal" math fonts used already by pdftex. This will work fine with xelatex + lualatex too. You can also try unicode-math but I don't know if it works in all cases.
The multilanguage support is more problematic: As you are using different scripts (greek, russian) you can't use babel (at least for this languages), as it will break the unicode font support. So you need polyglossia and this doesn't work with lualatex yet as it use (at least for some languages) xetex specific commands like \XeTeXinterclass. Also the support files of some of the languages (e.g. french) are much more sophisticated in the babel version. It is possible to mix babel + polyglossia but it depends a lot on the actual language combination if and how good it works.
Regarding the microtype support: The newest version of xetex can do protrusion (I haven't tried it yet), lualatex can protrusion + expansion. The author of microtype has just announced on c.t.t. that a preliminary version of microtype exists which supports both engines.
But at least for lualatex it isn't needed, one can activate both without problems manually:
\setmainfont[Microtype,Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O}