I have three problems with a tikz picture given in the MWE below.
The first problem is that the head of the arrow lies on the line/border of the B
rectangle (not much, but some visible pixels). What I would like to achieve is that the head of the arrow ends directly at the line.
The second problem occurs where the line/border of the A
rectangle crosses the shadow of the B
rectangle. The part which lies under the shadow is gray which is correct. However, I would like to have the line "above" the shadow and thus no influence on its color appearance.
The last problem occurs where the line/border of the A
rectangle crosses the dashed line/border of the E
rectangle. Here the line of A
should end at the border of the dashed line and not in the middle of it.
Edit: Pictures added
\documentclass {report}
box/.style ={draw,minimum height=0.9cm,minimum width=2.1cm,inner sep=4,align=center,fill=white,drop shadow={opacity=0.4,shadow xshift=.3ex,shadow yshift=-.3ex}},
arrowstyle/.style={-{Latex[angle=90:8pt]},line width=4pt, rounded corners=10pt}
\node[draw,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=1.4cm](D){};
\node[right=0.5cm of D.west](A){A};
\node[box, above right = 0.4cm and -1.5cm of A.east](B){B};
\node[box, above = 2cm of B.north](C){C};
\node[draw,minimum height=2.2cm,minimum width=3cm,thick,dashed,align=center,fill=white,right = 1.3cm of B.east](E){E};
\draw[->,arrowstyle,gray!90] (C.south) -- (B.north);
.shorten <=1pt
orshorten >=1pt
change appropriatelyouter sep
fully work.