I have recently written a survey article for some journal. The problem is that they have not given their bibliography style file. However they have given in their preferred format for the bibliography. These are as follows.
Listing alphabetically, and numerical reference. For paper the whole thing should come as like
- Chen, T., Frohlich, J., Walcher, J.: The decay of unstable noncommutative solitons. Commun. Math. Phys. 237, 243–269 (2003)
Of course, arXiv entries should also be accommodated in a similar way.
For books
- Andrews, G.E., Askey, R., Roy, R.: Special Functions. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (1999)
And for conference proceedings
- Buslaev, V.S., Perel’man, G.S.: On the stability of solitary waves for nonlinear Schrodinger equations, in “Nonlinear Evolution Equations”. Am. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2 (164), 75–98 (1995)
Closest format of this strange style is acm, though the year has to be put at the end of each entry. Further I would like to have doi/url links highlighting the title of the paper (not as a separate entry like in most of the AMS publications). Since the number of bibliography entries are so large, I can not do it by hand.
So can someone suggest me, how to modify acm style such that it takes care of all the above mentioned points? Advanced thanks for any help/suggestions.
utility to create a new bst file from scratch, it will provide a couple of questions on whether you want the bibliography style to recognize fields such asdoi