I use Mendeley to manage my bibliography and have it automatically update .bib files. Unfortunately, this often leads to the "Package inputenc Error" when compiling.
I narrowed my problem down to this MWE (well non-working, but working with removal of \c{e} in .bib):
special.tex :
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % necessary for "old text encoding" apparently (like for \k{a} (ogonek used in Polish))
special.bib :
title = {{title}},
author = {
problematic characters:
I compile with:
pdflatex special.tex
biber special
pdflatex special.tex
When \c{e} is removed from the bib entry, compilation works, despite the same character being present in the .tex file and rendering without issues in the main text.
While I could probably just use \k{e} here, which works, this is only one of many entries, which regularly get messed up whenever I do a DOI lookup in Mendeley or similar. I would prefer not to worry about encoding issues at all if possible.
- biber: v1.9
- pdflatex: pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014/Debian)
- biblatex: v2.9a
(but I had the same issue on ubuntu 16.04 with more recent packages, although I cannot test there at the moment)
edit: Here is the full entry as generated by DOI lookup in Mendeley (I created a new entry to make sure it's not my own fault):
author = {Reithmaier, J. P. and S{\c{e}}k, G. and L{\"{o}}ffler, A. and Hofmann, C. and Kuhn, S. and Reitzenstein, S. and Keldysh, L. V. and Kulakovskii, V. D. and Reinecke, T. L. and Forchel, A.},
doi = {10.1038/nature02969},
issn = {0028-0836},
journal = {Nature},
mendeley-groups = {Personal},
month = {nov},
number = {7014},
pages = {197--200},
title = {{Strong coupling in a single quantum dot–semiconductor microcavity system}},
url = {http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nature02969},
volume = {432},
year = {2004}
make any sense at all?\c{e}
occurs?{\c e}
, i.e., leaving off the inner pair of curly braces?Sęk
, so it should beS{\k{e}}k
. It's obviously a bug of Mendeley.