I have here added a solution without multirow, and edited the code with some more common practices in LaTeX, generally acknowledged as a more professional look, and easier to read.
This solution uses booktabs
, and the advice contained in that documentation to never use vertical lines, and also some horizontal lines with different widths. The scalebox
should rarely be used to scale a whole table, as it leads to very inconsistent font-sizes. You could very well use different table column seperation-lengths as you did in your code, but I removed it as well as the arraystrech
-command, as I don't really see the need for it in this code. Feel free to add them in if you really want, but as I said, I don't think it really adds to the look or feel of it.
EDIT: As suggested by Mico, I added some distance between the sub-groups, do give them further distinction, using \addlinespace
. Thanks Mico.
Items & Type & Description\\
Output & Integrated Application & ABC\\
& Process \& Element Definition & AVB\\
& Tasks & PWS\\
& S & X Queries\\
& Scripting Languages & Java Script or VB Script\\
& Message Start Events & Receive or reply events\\
\addlinespace Software & GUI tools & IBP\\
People & Designers & IDP\\
& Developers & PER\\
\addlinespace Technique & AAD&\\
& Integration & ERCFT\\
& Task & ETY\\
Below is another solution, which I have modified less, and is more true to your original code and look.
You asked for a solution without multirow, but without giving a reason as to what was wrong with the output. In case there simply was a problem with the code, here is an attempt with multirow.
Items & Type & Description\\
\multirow{6}{*}{Output} & Integrated Application & ABC\\
& Process \& Element Definition & AVB\\
& Tasks & PWS\\
& S & X Queries\\
& Scripting Languages & Java Script or VB Script\\
& Message Start Events & Receive or reply events\\
Software & GUI tools & IBP\\
\multirow{2}{*}{People} & Designers & IDP\\
& Developers & PER\\
\multirow{3}{*}{Technique} & AAD&\\
& Integration & ERCFT\\
& Task & ETY\\
\scalebox{0.84} { \begin{tabular}
will put a white space 84% the width of a inter-word space to the left of the table