The file is quite old, in comparison to the big developments on XeTeX and fontspec
that have been made in the last eight years.
Here's a fixed version that works well. Note that I'm on a Mac OS X machine, where Zapfino is provided along with the operating system. However, the font is not free, so you have to buy it in order to be able of exploiting its features.
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% Dario Taraborelli (2008)
% The Beauty of LaTeX
% URL:
% Some rights reserved: CC-BY-SA
% (modified by egreg for
\usepackage{fontspec, graphicx}
pdftitle={The Beauty of LaTeX},
pdfauthor={Taraborelli, Dario}
\setmainfont{Hoefler Text}
Ligatures={Common, Rare},
{\red d}roo{\lbl g}\hfill{\reda d}roo{\lbla g}
{\redb d}roo{\lblb g}\hfill{\redf d}roo{\lblf g}
{\redc d}roo{\lblc g}\hfill{\redd d}roo{\lbld g}
{\rede d}roo{\lble g}\hfill{\redg d}roo{\lblg g}
D. Taraborelli (2008),
\href{}{The Beauty of \LaTeX}\\
\emph{Some rights reserved}.
on Linux systems. Then XeLaTeX should find them. Also make sure your document is encoded UTF-8 and don't loadinputenc
but usefontspec