I've installed TeX Live 2016 as it was released today (thanks to the developers for that).
Now I have the following MWE:
class Foo
def init
pi = Math::PI
@var = "Pi is approx. #{pi}"
When running pdflatex --shell-escape test.tex
it runs through the file and produces the PDF as expected. Doing the same with lualatex --shell-escape test.tex
fails with
This is LuaTeX, Version 0.95.0 (TeX Live 2016)
system commands enabled.
LaTeX2e <2016/03/31>
Babel <3.9r> and hyphenation patterns for 1 language(s) loaded.
Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
Style option: `fancyvrb' v2.7a, with DG/SPQR fixes, and firstline=lastline fix
<2008/02/07> (tvz)) (/opt/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/tex/latex/float/float.sty)
uname -s > "test.w18"
! Package catchfile Error: File `test.w18' not found.
See the catchfile package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.93 \CatchFileDef\@tempa{\ip@file}{}
As mentioned, it's a freshly installed TeX Live 2016; I've also checked the installed Pygmentize version, which is 2.1.3 (installed via pip). Testing with TeX Live 2015, the above code, however, works without problems with both pdflatex and lualatex.
Does anybody have a hint for me on how to fix this, or is it a bug in lualatex or minted (or whatever other package) that should be reported?
Update: With minted
version 2.2 (2016-06-08), the package loads the shellesc
package automatically, as mentioned by @David Carlisle and @egreg in the comments; therefore, the problem should not occur any more, if you have this version installed.
). With TL2016 there came a new version of LuaTeX (0.95.0). Some packages might not yet have caught up on the changes.