I'm trying to translate a graphic in a book, and I need to connect some rectangles to do so. Here's what I have so far:
As you can see, the position of the arrow is not pleasant looking because the arrows don't connect to the edges of the rectangles. The code that generated this graphic:
\draw [rounded corners, fill=lightgray] (3,0) rectangle (6,-1) node (1) [pos=.5] {\textit{Output} gráfico} ;
\draw [rounded corners, fill=lightgray] (3,-2.5) rectangle (6,-3.5) node (2) [pos=.5] {\textit{Game Manager}};
\draw [rounded corners, fill=lightgray] (3,-5) rectangle (6,-6) node (3) [pos=.5] {Jogador};
\draw (-0.5,-1) rectangle (2,-2.5) node (4) [pos=.5, align=center] {Descrições de \\ jogos};
\draw (-0.5,-3) rectangle (2,-4.5) node (5) [pos=.5, align=center] {Registro de \\ partidas};
\draw (7,-2.5) rectangle (9,-3.5) node (6) [pos=.5, align=center] {Registro de \\ partidas};
\draw[black, thick, ->] (2) -- (1.south);
I think it would be better to do this with nodes, since nodes connect to the borders, but I can't get nodes to look like the rectangles in the picture above. They're small and have no borders. Here's an example:
And the code that generated the graphic above:
\node [ rounded corners, fill=lightgray] at (4.5,0) (1) {\textit{Output} gráfico};
So my questions are: How can I connect two rectangles with arrows that start and end at edges? If that's not possible, how can I generate larger nodes with visible borders (but the font size remaning the same)?
text width=<dimension>
,text height=<dimension>
,text depth=<dimension>
,minimum height=<dimension
,minimum width=<dimension>
?? Orinner sep=<dimension>
,inner xsep=
,inner ysep