What is the latex command for a right arrow with a circle in the middle? I have tried detexify and the comprehensive latex symbols list but did not find.
4 Answers
A simple TikZ version:
The \arrowcircle
allows for some TikZ
options to be specified as optional argument.
\draw[->] (0,0ex) -- (2em,0ex);
\draw (1em,0ex) circle (0.7ex);
Some dummy text \arrowcircle[blue,line width=0.8pt] continues here!
As symbols-a4.pdf says (table 160, stix arrows), it's \circleonrightarrow \circleonleftarrow
It looks like this:
You can also use boisik package and \rightarrowcircle
, which looks like this
With traditional methods:
\newcommand{\circlearrow}{}% just in case
A\circlearrow B_{x\circlearrow y}
The kern is to correct the optical effect that makes the circle not to appear centered.
Try this:
$\circledrightarrow$ \circledrightarrow