I need to define a point on this page and connect several nodes from these two different tickzpicture figures.

\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} 
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance = 1.2cm, thick,
every node/.style = {rectangle, font = \Large\sffamily, black,
top color = green!90!white, bottom color = green!60!white,drop shadow,
text width = 4.4cm, align = center, minimum height = 2.3cm}]
\node (4142) {\textbf{4142}};
\coordinate [below = 2.5cm of 4142] (Mitte);
\coordinate [below = 4.8cm of 4142] (Unten);
\node (EDV)        [right = 10mm of Mitte, xshift=2cm]  {4.1};
\node (Verwaltung) [left = 10mm of Mitte, xshift=-2cm]  {4.2}; 
\coordinate [below = 0.5cm of EDV] (zoode);
\coordinate [below = 0.5cm of Verwaltung] (dire);
\node (Bau)        [below = of Verwaltung] {421};
\node (Logistik)   [below  = of Bau]        {4211};
\node (Pflege)     [below = of EDV]        {411};
\node (Ausbildung) [right = of Pflege]     {412};
 \draw[line width=0.1cm, green!60!black]
(4142)    -- (Mitte) -- (Verwaltung)
(EDV)   -- (Mitte)
(EDV)   -- (zoode)
(zoode) -| (Pflege)
(zoode)  -| (Ausbildung);

\begin{tikzpicture}[ every annotation/.style = {draw,
                 fill = white, font = \Large}]
 \path[mindmap, grow cyclic, concept color=black!90, text=white,
every node/.style={concept, circular drop shadow},
root/.style    = {concept,
  font=\large\bfseries\fontsize{13pt}{16pt}\selectfont, text width=10em},
level 1 concept/.append style={font=\Large\bfseries,
  sibling angle=120,  level 2/.append style={sibling angle=37.5}, text width=8.4em,
level distance=16em,inner sep=0pt},
level 2 concept/.append style={font=\bfseries,level distance=10em},
node[root] {INTERNAL} [clockwise from=0]
child[concept color=purple!80] {
  node {Simulations} [clockwise from=80]
    child { node (goForum) {Degradation}} 
    child { node (goWiki) {\href{http://golatex.de/wiki/Hauptseite}{Inhibition}} }
    child { node (goForum) {Drop-ins}} 
    child { node (goWiki) {\href{http://golatex.de/wiki/Hauptseite}{Pull-ups}} }
child[concept color=green!40!black] {
  node[concept] {Error\\Assessment}
    [clockwise from=5]
  child { node[concept, scale=1.1, font=\bf\fontsize{8pt}{14pt}\selectfont] (TikZGalerie) 
  child { node[concept, scale=1.2, font=\bf\fontsize{7pt}{14pt}\selectfont] (TeXampleBlog)
  child { node[concept, scale=1.2, font=\bf\fontsize{7pt}{13pt}\selectfont] (Planet)
child[concept color=red!60!black] {
  node[concept] {PCR Parameters}
%node[concept] {Amplification Parameters}
    [counterclockwise from=115]
  child { node[concept] (LaTeXForum)
child { node[concept] (LaTeXForum)
  child { node[concept] (LaTeXArtikel)
  child { node[concept] (LaTeXNews)

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


If this is meant to be just one diagram, then you don't need to split it in two tikzpicture environments. Just place the mindmap in a scope environment with the same options as the existing tikzpicture, but adding something like xshift=20cm,yshift=-5cm. I defined a coordinate at the end, after said scope environment, and drew some arrows from that point. Note that to do so I added names to the Internal and Error assessment nodes in the mindmap.

enter image description here

\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance = 1.2cm, thick,
every node/.style = {rectangle, font = \Large\sffamily, black,
top color = green!90!white, bottom color = green!60!white,drop shadow,
text width = 4.4cm, align = center, minimum height = 2.3cm}]
\node (4142) {\textbf{4142}};
\coordinate [below = 2.5cm of 4142] (Mitte);
\coordinate [below = 4.8cm of 4142] (Unten);
\node (EDV)        [right = 10mm of Mitte, xshift=2cm]  {4.1};
\node (Verwaltung) [left = 10mm of Mitte, xshift=-2cm]  {4.2}; 
\coordinate [below = 0.5cm of EDV] (zoode);
\coordinate [below = 0.5cm of Verwaltung] (dire);
\node (Bau)        [below = of Verwaltung] {421};
\node (Logistik)   [below  = of Bau]        {4211};
\node (Pflege)     [below = of EDV]        {411};
\node (Ausbildung) [right = of Pflege]     {412};
 \draw[line width=0.1cm, green!60!black]
(4142)    -- (Mitte) -- (Verwaltung)
(EDV)   -- (Mitte)
(EDV)   -- (zoode)
(zoode) -| (Pflege)
(zoode)  -| (Ausbildung);

           every annotation/.style = {draw,
                 fill = white, font = \Large}]
 \path[mindmap, grow cyclic, concept color=black!90, text=white,
every node/.style={concept, circular drop shadow},
root/.style    = {concept,
  font=\large\bfseries\fontsize{13pt}{16pt}\selectfont, text width=10em},
level 1 concept/.append style={font=\Large\bfseries,
  sibling angle=120,  level 2/.append style={sibling angle=37.5}, text width=8.4em,
level distance=16em,inner sep=0pt},
level 2 concept/.append style={font=\bfseries,level distance=10em},
node[root] (internal) {INTERNAL} [clockwise from=0]
child[concept color=purple!80] {
  node {Simulations} [clockwise from=80]
    child { node (goForum) {Degradation}} 
    child { node (goWiki) {\href{http://golatex.de/wiki/Hauptseite}{Inhibition}} }
    child { node (goForum) {Drop-ins}} 
    child { node (goWiki) {\href{http://golatex.de/wiki/Hauptseite}{Pull-ups}} }
child[concept color=green!40!black] {
  node[concept] (error) {Error\\Assessment}
    [clockwise from=5]
  child { node[concept, scale=1.1, font=\bf\fontsize{8pt}{14pt}\selectfont] (TikZGalerie) 
  child { node[concept, scale=1.2, font=\bf\fontsize{7pt}{14pt}\selectfont] (TeXampleBlog)
  child { node[concept, scale=1.2, font=\bf\fontsize{7pt}{13pt}\selectfont] (Planet)
child[concept color=red!60!black] {
  node[concept] {PCR Parameters}
%node[concept] {Amplification Parameters}
    [counterclockwise from=115]
  child { node[concept] (LaTeXForum)
child { node[concept] (LaTeXForum)
  child { node[concept] (LaTeXArtikel)
  child { node[concept] (LaTeXNews)

\coordinate [below=3cm of Ausbildung] (point);

\foreach \x in {Bau,Pflege,internal,error}
   \draw [latex-,ultra thick,red] (\x) -- (point);
  • Note that you had \usepackage{tikz} twice, which is somewhat pointless. You also loaded the positioning library twice. Commented Jun 22, 2016 at 13:35

Using option remember picture for your original pictures, and options overlay, remember picture for the picture with whatever lines you need to draw, should do the trick (but be aware that a name clash could occur if identically named nodes exist in both pictures; furthermore, a picture with option overlay doesn't reserve any space in the page):



\begin{tikzpicture}[red, remember picture]
\draw (0,0) coordinate (a) -- (2,0) coordinate (b) -- (1,2) node[above] (c) {yo!} -- cycle;

I need to define a point on this page and connect several nodes from these two different tickzpicture figures. I need to define a point on this page and connect several nodes from these two different tickzpicture figures. I need to define a point on this page and connect several nodes from these two different tickzpicture figures. I need to define a point on this page and connect several nodes from these two different tickzpicture figures. I need to define a point on this page and connect several nodes from these two different tickzpicture figures.

\begin{tikzpicture}[blue, remember picture]
\draw (0,0) coordinate (d) -- (2,0) coordinate (e) -- (1,-2) node[below] (f) {hmm...} -- cycle;

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, green, remember picture]
\draw[ultra thick, densely dotted] (c) to[in=180, out = 0] (f);


enter image description here

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