This is a follow up question to Several citations in the same bracket
I want to cite multiple authors in the same \cite{}
command instead of making each of them in separated. It works fine for citations of one specific kind (e.g. only articles) but I get error when mixing different types of publications (e.g. @book, @article, @THESIS).
\cite{ref1}, \cite{ref2} ----> [1], [2]
\cite{ref1,ref2} ----> [1, 2]
OK! for references of the same type (ref1 and ref2 being articles).
\cite{ref1,ref2} ----> [1, 2]
FAIL! for references of the different type (ref1 being an article and ref2 a thesis).
How to solve that problem in my document?
OBS1: This kind of reference is demanded in my thesis and I can't make it work. The citation package is abntcite
OBS2: The style of document I am using is the standard of my institution (for PhD- and Master Thesis) and I don't know every detail of the documentclass. I can't even make a MWE that works. Still my attempt:
editor = "J. C. Candy and G. C. Temes",
title = "Oversampling Delta-Sigma Data Converters Theory, Design and Simulation",
publisher = "{IEEE} Press.",
location = "New York",
year = "1992"
author = "A. Castaldini and A. Cavallini and B. Fraboni and P. Fernandez and J. Piqueras",
title = "Midgap Traps Related to Compensation Processes in {CdTe} Alloys",
journaltitle = "Phys. Rev. B.",
volume = "56",
number = "23",
year = "1997",
pages = "14897-14900"
author = "M. Coates and A. Hero and R. Nowak and B. Yu",
title = "Internet Tomography",
journaltitle = "IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun.",
month = 05,
year = "2002",
note = "to be published"
author = {Souza, J. R. de},
title = {Model},
school = inpebr,
year = {1997},
type = GESPhD,
address = sjc,
pages = {182},
note = { },
url = { }
organization = {Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica - ITA},
author = {Oliveira, A. B. V. and Walter, F.},
title = {Ionospheric equatorial anomaly studies during solar storms},
year = {2005},
url = { },
urlaccessdate = { },
note = {In: International Union of Radio Science},
address = {São José dos Campos – SP},
publisher = {Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica},
\typeout{-------------->Opcao: CitacaoNumerica}
%%% Pacote da ABNTeX para referências dentro das normas %%%
\gdef\@sepbr{no} %% yes ou no para pagebackref em abnt-verbatim-entry
%% Ativa bibliografia explicita (abnt-verbatim-entry) no formato bibtex
%% incompatível com o backref.sty por enquanto (ou um ou outro)
\gdef\@ativapbr{true} %% true or false : ativa pagebackref
\cite{book, article1, article2}
found?). However, you are missing\makeatletter
in the preamble around the stuff which includes@
in macro names.