I am trying to get the following geometry. I have geometry set like this: \usepackage[a4paper, top=4cm,bottom=2.5cm,right=2.5cm,left=4cm, headheight=15pt]{geometry}
and I am using the book document class. I have been looking for some ideas on how to set a specific number of lines before and after the chapter's name (see figure 1), but without success. I am also required to have the page number 1.5cm above the first line of the text (see figure 2), but I do not know how to control it. Chapter page does not require page number, but others page do. Any help will be very much appreciated.
Some more details, all I have been specified is to have a 4cm top and left margin, and a 2.5cm bottom and right margin. That is why I used the geometry package as indicated above. The pagenumber has to be at the top right of the page. Also, I am using a 12pt font size and Times New Roman and XeLatex. For the chapter name I am using the \large
, but we need more details.