I've tried to use MakeIndex with the spanish package babel. I want to add to the index some words witch are written in the Introduccion, that is numbered with roman numbers in Small Caps. But in this situation MakeIndex rejects these words. I've read that it needs the numbers of the pages to be in lowercase, but it is an error in the Spanish language.
I've tried with es-preindex as an option in babel (as you can see here, page 4) but nothing changes.
Does anybody know how to get the words in the index and the roman numbers in small caps? Thanks in advance.
\title{Bla bla bla }
Bla blaaaa blaaa blaaa blaa \index{blaa} .....
Heloooooooo its meeeee \index{meeeee}.
\renewcommand{\indexname}{\'{I}ndice de Materias}
And the result is:
The "blaa" isn't shown!
By adding "es-preindex" in the babel package, the result is exactlly the same.
cannot process complex page numbers (at least not without a lot of tricks)imakeidx