via Tex4ht with frames, using the configuration file cc.cfg
\Configure{@HEAD}{\HCode{<title>Good Morning</title>\Hnewline}}
\Configure{@HEAD}{\HCode{<link rel="profile" href="" />\Hnewline}}
\Configure{@HEAD}{\HCode{<link rel="shortcut icon" href="css/images/favicon.ico" />\Hnewline}}
\HorFrames{*,3*}\Frame{s1}\Frame[ name="f2"]{s2}
\Configure{Link}{a}{target="f2" href=}{name=}{}
\EndHPage{p1} \Tg<br />
{ \EndHPage{p2}}
{\HCode{<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
\Hnewline "http://Hello1">\Hnewline}}
\ifx \temp\empty \EndFrames \else\Tg</body>\fi}
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" \Hnewline "http://Hello2"> \Hnewline}}
I am trying to compile the following tex file site_test.tex
\title{This is a title}
\date{Today is today}
\chapter{Chapter alpha}
\section{Alpha prime}
\section{Alpha secundus}
\chapter{Chapter beta}
\section{Here you are}
via the command (on MikteX Windows 8)
htlatex site_test.tex "cc.cfg"
and I obtain the following output
I have some problems with it I would like to adress
The page should be called "Good Morning" via
\Configure{@HEAD}{\HCode{<title>Good Morning</title>\Hnewline}}
but it takes the title of the document "This is a title" (the icon works)
I am trying to put title, date and author above the table of content, so far no success.
In the table of content, there are 2 "contents". How to remove at least one ?
(Does anyone know a way to improve the site by modifying the css file ?)
I understant the global structure of the code but not enough. I can post the HTML ouputs if necessary. Does anyone has a working example ? Any help is welcome :)
\HorFrames{*,3*}\Frame[ marginwidth="20" name="f1"]{s1}\Frame[ marginwidth="20" name="f2"]{s2}
together with defining\Hpage[v1]....
as explained by @jagath.