Using the linked template (and cutting some stuff for convenience)
will work.
Perhaps the margins has to be set with lmargin=...
etc (see the geometry
package on this,please)
Remove the showframe
option for production run.
%% Run LaTeX on this file several times to get Table of Contents,
%% cross-references, and citations.
%% If you have font problems, you may edit the w-bookps.sty file
%% to customize the font names to match those on your system.
%% w-bksamp.tex. Current Version: Feb 16, 2012
% Sample file for
% Wiley Book Style, Design No.: SD 001B, 7x10
% Wiley Book Style, Design No.: SD 004B, 6x9
% Prepared by Amy Hendrickson, TeXnology Inc.
% 7x10
% 6x9
%% for times math: However, this package disables bold math (!)
%% \mathbf{x} will still work, but you will not have bold math
%% in section heads or chapter titles. If you don't use math
%% in those environments, mathptmx might be a good choice.
% \usepackage{mathptmx}
% For PostScript text
%% Other packages you might want to use:
% for chapter bibliography made with BibTeX
% \usepackage{chapterbib}
% for multiple indices
% \usepackage{multind}
% for answers to problems
% \usepackage{answers}
%% Change options here if you want:
%% How many levels of section head would you like numbered?
%% 0= no section numbers, 1= section, 2= subsection, 3= subsubsection
%% How many levels of section head would you like to appear in the
%% Table of Contents?
%% 0= chapter titles, 1= section titles, 2= subsection titles,
%% 3= subsubsection titles.
%% Cropmarks? good for final page makeup
%% \docropmarks
% Uncomment to get double spacing between lines, current date and time
% printed at bottom of page.
% \draft
% (If you want to keep tables from becoming double spaced also uncomment
% this):
% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.6}
%%%%%%% Demo of section head containing sample macro:
%% To get a macro to expand correctly in a section head, with upper and
%% lower case math, put the definition and set the box
%% before \begin{document}, so that when it appears in the
%% table of contents it will also work:
%% use a box to expand the macro before we put it into the section head:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Demo
\booktitle{Survey Methodology}
\subtitle{This is the Subtitle}
\authors{Robert M. Groves\\
\affil{Universitat de les Illes Balears}
Floyd J. Fowler, Jr.\\
\affil{University of New Mexico}
\offprintinfo{Survey Methodology, Second Edition}{Robert M. Groves}
%% Can use \\ if title, and edition are too wide, ie,
%% \offprintinfo{Survey Methodology,\\ Second Edition}{Robert M. Groves}
Survey Methodology / Robert M. Groves . . . [et al.].
\ p. cm.---(Wiley series in survey methodology)
\ ``Wiley-Interscience."
\ Includes bibliographical references and index.
\ ISBN 0-471-48348-6 (pbk.)
\ 1. Surveys---Methodology. 2. Social
\ sciences---Research---Statistical methods. I. Groves, Robert M. II. %
HA31.2.S873 2007
001.4'33---dc22 2004044064
\dedication{To my parents}
\name{Masayki Abe,} Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Fujitsu Limited, Atsugi,
\name{L. A. Akers,} Center for Solid State Electronics Research, Arizona
State University, Tempe, Arizona
\name{G. H. Bernstein,} Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, South Bend,
Indiana; formerly of
Center for Solid State Electronics Research, Arizona
State University, Tempe, Arizona
This is the foreword to the book.
This is an example preface.
This is an example preface.
This is an example preface.
This is an example preface.
\prefaceauthor{R. K. Watts}
\where{Durham, North Carolina\\
September, 2007}
From Dr.~Jay Young, consultant from Silver Spring, Maryland, I received
the initial push to even consider writing this book. Jay was a constant
``peer reader'' and very welcome advisor durying this year-long process.
To all these wonderful people I owe a deep sense of gratitude especially now
that this project has been completed.
\authorinitials{G. T. S.}