I would like use:


with \section*{} because if the section is not numbered \counterwithin*{equation}{section} doesn't work properly, in fact, I'm using this command to do unnumbered sections even in table of contents:

\newcommand{\sect}[1] {\section*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}\addtocounter{section}{1}}

But how I said ... I cannot number properly my equations because counters are not restored to a new unnumbered sections.

So much thanks!

2 Answers 2


Counters bound to other counters are reset when the master counter is “stepped” with \stepcounter. So I guess that


is what you really want. Unless you want that




gives 3 as the section number for “C” like it seems your code does now. In that case,


will do.

  • Yes, it was just switch \addtocounter{section}{1} with \stepcounter{section} what I did need. Now works how I want, thank you. :)
    – jfernandz
    Jul 5, 2016 at 10:06
  • Mainly because I use this \newcommand{\seclabel}[1] {\numberwithin{equation}{section}\label{#1}} \newcommand{\sseclabel}[1] {\numberwithin{equation}{subsection}\label{#1}} To tag equations what I want.
    – jfernandz
    Jul 5, 2016 at 11:11
  • @JFernan That's a very wrong way to go.
    – egreg
    Jul 5, 2016 at 11:13
  • Well, I don't want to enumerate all of my equations, only a few concretely. Only which are in cross-reference by labels, specifically. And this way allow me tag only a few equations with properly numeration (referencing its subsection and section even when section is unnumbered).
    – jfernandz
    Jul 5, 2016 at 11:15
  • @JFernan It would be much better to open a new question, with a full specification of your needs.
    – egreg
    Jul 5, 2016 at 11:19

One can argue about this approach:

A reset equation in each \section* is without information which section is meant actually, so cross-referencing might become difficult, unless hyperref is used with correct linking.

In this solution I applied \xpretocmd for \section to reset the equation counter (which is probably done anyway), so both for \section and \section*.

The sectcont counter is just for making a unique hyperref anchor.










In \ref{eqeinsteinagain} we see...



  E=mc^2 \label{eqeinstein}

  E=mc^2 \label{eqeinsteinother}


  E=mc^2 \label{eqeinsteinagain}

  E=mc^2 \label{eqyeteinstein}


enter image description here

  • Personally, I would not use this approach ....
    – user31729
    Jul 4, 2016 at 21:30

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