Good morning
I've got this source code below. The problem is the item item
in itemize
isn't in the text area but it's out of the text area. I try to get $$
on every \item
line but the result is the same. I have replaced a black ball mark with text. Result is on the picture.
Thank you for help.
\usepackage[a6paper, top=10mm, left=10mm, right=10mm,
\section*{\foreignlanguage{slovak}{Opytovacie zámená}}
\item[kto? koho?] %$ $
{\sffamily who?} & {\sffamily which of?} \\
\textsl{[\textipa{hu:}]} & \textsl{[\textipa{wItS 6v}]} \\
všeobecne & z určitého počtu osôb\\
\item[čo?] %$ $
{\sffamily what?} & {\sffamily which?} \\
\textsl{[\textipa{hu:}]} & \textsl{[\textipa{wItS}]} \\
všeobecne & z určitého počtu vecí\\
\item vždy keď nasleduje predložka {\sffamily of}
\item[aký? ktorý?] %$ $
{\sffamily what?} & {\sffamily which of?} \\
všeobecne & z určitého počtu osôb a vecí\\
\item[koľko] %$ $
{\sffamily how much?} & {\sffamily how many?} \\
\textsl{[\textipa{haU m2tS}]} & \textsl{[\textipa{haU \textprimstress men.i}]} \\
s ne\-po\-čí\-ta\-teľ\-ný\-mi pod\-sta\-tný\-mi menami & s počítateľnými podstatnými menami\\