I want to hand my students the slides without transitions while keeping the table of contents within the document. \documentclass[handout]{beamer} turns off transitions but it removes the TOC along the document.

  • Err. I don't think it does. I've made handouts with the contents and I never had to do anything special... Could you create a minimal example that shows the problem?
    – Seamus
    Oct 20, 2011 at 9:54
  • Let me see if I explain myself correctly. If I use "handout" option, transitions are turned off but only the "outline" slide at the beginning is left. All the others are gone. I have to understand that the compiler treats the "outline" slides as transitions. THank you for you comment by the way
    – Luis
    Oct 20, 2011 at 10:13
  • Right. It turns off the repeats of the ToC at the beginning of each section? Is that right?
    – Seamus
    Oct 20, 2011 at 10:28
  • Yes, it is right! I do not want that. A 30-40 slide presentation without breaks and without the outline in between is hard to follow. And I don't like the idea of putting the section/subsection on top of each slide. I have been googling for the remedy in the last hour. So far nothing. Thanks again
    – Luis
    Oct 20, 2011 at 10:31
  • 6
    Welcome to TeX.sx! We'd like to keep answers separate from questions, so you should write a separate answer instead of editing your answer into the question. Self-answers are perfectly admissible, and a well-written answer may earn you additional reputation.
    – diabonas
    Oct 20, 2011 at 11:19

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