I'm trying to make a drawing, part of which will use Andrew Stacey's tqft package. However, everything his package produces seems to be immune from scaling.
For example, the following code is my attempt to essentially use the test drawing from the link above, and scale it by 1/4. However, all it seems to do for me is scale the equal sign by 1/4, and keep the tqft drawings the same:
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1/4, tqft/flow=east]
\begin{scope}[tqft/boundary lower style={draw, thick}]
\node[tqft/pair of pants,draw] (a) {};
\node[tqft/reverse pair of pants,draw,anchor=incoming boundary 1] (b) at (a.outgoing boundary 2) {};
\node[tqft/cylinder,draw,anchor=incoming boundary 1] (c) at (a.outgoing boundary 1) {};
\node[tqft/cylinder to next,draw,anchor=outgoing boundary 1] (e) at (b.incoming boundary 2) {};
\path (b.outgoing boundary 1) ++(1.5,1) node[font=\Huge] {\(=\)};
\path (b.outgoing boundary 1) ++(3,0) node[tqft/reverse pair of pants,draw,anchor=incoming boundary 2] (e) {};
\node[tqft/pair of pants,draw,anchor=incoming boundary 1] (f) at (e.outgoing boundary 1) {};
I'm not an advanced TeX user at all, so hopefully it's something simple. And I thought about just emailing Andrew to ask but he seems to be frequently here, and maybe somebody else will have the same problem sometime.