I have a simple quarter polar plot that I would like to rotate by -90°. However, doing so inserts a large gap between the plot and its caption. That doesn't happen when I rotate the plot by +90°. Is it a bug in pgfplots?

Here is a MWE:



        \begin{polaraxis}[xmin=0,xmax=90,ymin=0,ymax=1,rotate=90,x dir=reverse,domain=0:90,no markers, yticklabels={}]]
            \addplot [thick, smooth] {cos(x)};
    \caption{Positive $90^\circ$ rotation}
        \begin{polaraxis}[xmin=0,xmax=90,ymin=0,ymax=1,rotate=-90,x dir=reverse,domain=0:90,no markers,yticklabels={}]]
            \addplot [thick, smooth] {cos(x)};
    \caption{Negative $90^\circ$ rotation (adds gap)}
\caption{Rotation of a polar graph}

enter image description here

  • Just add clip=false to the right polaraxis environment
    – Salim Bou
    Commented Aug 4, 2016 at 19:52

2 Answers 2


Here some tricks to align the two pictures

  • Add clip=false key to the right polaraxis environment.
  • Define baseline for the right tikzpicture to be outer south of the left picture with baseline=s.outer south where s is the name of the left axis



        \begin{polaraxis}[name=s,xmin=0,xmax=90,ymin=0,ymax=1,rotate=90,x dir=reverse,domain=0:90,no markers, yticklabels={}]]
            \addplot [thick, smooth] {cos(x)};
    \caption{Positive $90^\circ$ rotation}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(s.outer south)]
        \begin{polaraxis}[clip=false,xmin=0,xmax=90,ymin=0,ymax=1,rotate=-90,x dir=reverse,domain=0:90,no markers,yticklabels={}]]
            \addplot [thick, smooth] {cos(x)};
    \caption{Negative $90^\circ$ rotation (adds gap)}
\caption{Rotation of a polar graph}

enter image description here


Here, I set the 2nd tikzpicture into temporary \box0 and then output it with \smash{\raisebox{-.45\ht0}{\copy0}}

EDIT: However, the above approach seemed to break centering. So, instead of using \centering in this subfigure, I used, instead, \hfil\smash{\raisebox{-.45\ht0}{\copy0}}\hfill.



        \begin{polaraxis}[xmin=0,xmax=90,ymin=0,ymax=1,rotate=90,x dir=reverse,domain=0:90,no markers, yticklabels={}]]
            \addplot [thick, smooth] {cos(x)};
    \caption{Positive $90^\circ$ rotation}
        \begin{polaraxis}[xmin=0,xmax=90,ymin=0,ymax=1,rotate=-90,x dir=reverse,domain=0:90,no markers,yticklabels={}]]
            \addplot [thick, smooth] {cos(x)};
    \caption{Negative $90^\circ$ rotation}
\caption{Rotation of a polar graph}

enter image description here


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