Because @Andy found that my question has an inconsequence, I rewrote my question with new style (cbx) file (thanks!).
Verbose is a good style in our research field, in so far as books are cited only in footnote. But I want to refer some books (some elementary sources and some secondary) also in body with the following way. A current popular citation style in humanities is:
Notice that citation forms of the books, one of which has "Im folgenden Zitat..." (henceforth cited as...) and the other one does not have. Some sources in my .bib file have a definition of the shorthand field, the other have no definition. Classical books, such as Kant's Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, have an abbreviation. In this case the source should be display with it (neither "Kant, 1788" nor "Kant, KpV", but just "KpV"), while the other sources are cited as author-year (I need no declaration "henceforth cited as..." in this case).
As I found , I'd want to do like this. Following code, which is modified from verbose.cbx, is saved as "verbose-authoryear.cbx". The file, which ist named "verbose-authoryear.bbx", is same as verbose-authoryear.bbx.
[\abx@cbxid $Id: verbose.cbx,v 1.6 2011/07/29 19:21:28 lehman stable $]
{Invalid option 'citepages=#1'}
{Valid values are 'permit', 'suppress', 'omit', 'separate'.}}}
test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{\value{citetotal}}}
test {\iffieldpages{postnote}}
togl {cbx:fullcite}
test {\iffieldpages{postnote}}
test {\ifnumequal{\value{citecount}}{\value{citetotal}}}
not test {\iffieldundef{pages}}
not test {\iffieldundef{pagetotal}}
% \usebibmacro{cite:citepages}%
% \ifciteseen
% {\iffieldundef{shorthand}
% {\usebibmacro{cite:short}}
% {\usebibmacro{cite:shorthand}}}
% {\usebibmacro{cite:full}}}
%replaced the last section with the following section
%by asblom
%added by asblom
%assumed adding by akira ueda (from verbose-trad1.cbx)
But as I wrote the following TeX document,
shorthand = {KpV},
hyphenation = {german},
author = {Kant, Immanuel},
bookauthor = {Kant, Immanuel},
title = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft},
shorttitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft},
booktitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Kritik der Urtheilskraft},
year = {1788},
hyphenation = {german},
author = {Adorno, Theodor W.},
title = {Probleme der Moralphilosophie},
shorttitle = {Probleme},
location = {Frankfurt am Main},
year = {1996},
Als Kant in der \cite{kant:kpv}, es geschrieben hat, war die Lage anders. Er schrieb,
"`Handle so, dass die Maxime deines Willens..."'.\footnote{\cite{kant:kpv}, S.54.}
Theodor W.Adorno erkl"art diesen Satz so, dass diese kategorische Imperativ die moderne
Vernunft voraussetzt.\footnote{Vgl. \cite{adorno-probleme}, S.30ff. Er tat Vorlesung
nach Kant.}
Nach Adornos Ansicht ist die Trennung von Antik und Moderne ansichtig.
\footnote{Schrieb er so deutlich. Siehe \cite{adorno-probleme}, S.30f.} Adorno:
"`In der modernen Zeit ist die Vernunft sowohl gemeinsam als auch pers"onlich"'
(\cite{adorno-probleme}, S.50).
I found a problem. Full bibliography emerges two times, if I cited not only in the footnote but also in the body. I'd like to put in the full bibliography in the footnote, even if I cited firstly on the body. How can I solve?
P.S. This verbose-authoryear.cbx was made, as I've just started to learn LaTeX (one week ago). Now I'm informed that I should make new citation style with writing in preamble rather than making new cbx. file. I'm wondering I can do it.