I'm still quite new to LaTeX and can't figure this one out. For my report, I am using the template given by my university available for download here http://www.tudelft.nl/fileadmin/Files/tudelft/themasites/Huisstijl/report_style.zip. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to fix the uneven linespacing in my title, as well as the horziontal justification, which I would like to have \flushleft to prevent uneven space size between the words https://gyazo.com/95f6838cade892bf230774a835492384.
I have found that the \largetitlestyle used for the title is defined in tudelft-report.cls, line 119 and the title is set up in line 485. However, adding either \flushleft or \raggedright does not change anything. I would be very grateful for any kind of tips as to how to continue! I have pasted some parts below, as the complete code is quite lengthy.
EDIT: Following the advice of @Johannes_B, I have now tried adding \par to the line {\largetitlestyle\color{\@titlecolor}\fontsize{42}{55}\selectfont\@title \par}. However, LaTeX returns an error stating that there is no line to end. I could not find out how the syntax for paragraphs works in this environment. Any thoughts?
%% Calculate the top left and bottom right coordinates of the front and
%% back boxes.
\coordinate (front top left) at (tcorner);
\coordinate (back top left) at ($(tcorner)+(- \@cover@splitboxwidth,\@cover@splitboxheight)$);
\coordinate (front top left) at ($(tcorner)+(0pt,\@cover@frontboxheight)$);
\coordinate (back top left) at ($(tcorner)+(-\@cover@splitboxwidth,0pt)$);
\coordinate (front bottom right) at ($(front top left)+(\@cover@frontboxwidth,-\@cover@frontboxheight)$);
\coordinate (back bottom right) at ($(back top left)+(\@cover@splitboxwidth,-\@cover@splitboxheight)$);
%% Draw the front box in black.
%% \fill[fill=tudelft-black](front top left) rectangle (front bottom right);
%% Calculate the width and height of the front text box.
%% Create the front text box.
\node at (front top left)[anchor=north west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
%% Print the title and optional subtitle at the top in white.