\multicolumn{1}{C{0.2in}}{Degree} & \multicolumn{1}{C{1.5in}}{$H^*(K(\Z_2,n+1);\Z_2)$} & \multicolumn{1}{C{1.5in}}{$H^*(K(\Z,n);\Z_2)$}\\
n & & \iota_n \\
n+1 & \iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a1} & \\
n+2 & \Sq^1\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a2} & \tikzmark{b1} \Sq^2\iota_n \\
n+3 & \Sq^2\iota_{n+1} & \tikzmark{b2} \Sq^3\iota_n \\
& \Sq^2\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} & \\
n+4 & \Sq^3\iota_{n+1} & \Sq^4\iota_n \\
& \Sq^2\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a3} & \\
n+5 & \Sq^4\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a4} & \tikzmark{b3} \Sq^5\iota_n \\
& \Sq^3\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} & \\
n+6 & \Sq^5\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a5} & \Sq^6\iota_{n+1} \\
& \Sq^4\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a6} & \tikzmark{b4} \Sq^4\Sq^2\iota_n \\
n+7 & \Sq^6\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a7} & \Sq^7\iota_n \\
& \Sq^5\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} & \tikzmark{b5} \Sq^5\Sq^2\iota_n \\
& \Sq4\Sq^2\iota_{n+1} & \\
n+8 & \Sq^7\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a8} & \Sq^8\iota_n \\
& \Sq^6\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a9} & \tikzmark{b6} \Sq^6\Sq^2\iota_n \\
& \Sq^5\Sq^2\iota_{n+1} & \\
& \Sq^4\Sq^2\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a10} & \\
n+9 & \Sq^8\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a11} & \tikzmark{b7} \Sq^9\iota_n \\
& \Sq^7\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} \tikzmark{a12} & \tikzmark{b8} \Sq^7\Sq^2\iota_n \\
& \Sq^6\Sq^2\iota_{n+1} & \tikzmark{b9} \Sq^6\Sq^3\iota_n \\
& \Sq^5\Sq^2\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} & \\
n+10 & \Sq^{9}\iota_{n+1} & \Sq^{10}\iota_n \\
& \Sq^8\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} & \tikzmark{b10} \Sq^8\Sq^2\iota_n \\
& \Sq^7\Sq^2\iota_{n+1} & \tikzmark{b11} \Sq^7\Sq^3\iota_n \\
& \Sq^6\Sq^3\iota_{n+1} & \\
& \Sq^6\Sq^2\Sq^1\iota_{n+1} & \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture, yshift=.1\baselineskip, xshift=.1, shorten >=5pt, shorten <=0pt]
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a1}) -- ({pic cs:b1});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a2}) -- ({pic cs:b2});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a3}) -- ({pic cs:b3});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a4}) -- ({pic cs:b4});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a5}) -- ({pic cs:b5});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a6}) -- ({pic cs:b5});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a7}) -- ({pic cs:b6});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a8}) -- ({pic cs:b7});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a9}) -- ({pic cs:b8});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a10}) -- ({pic cs:b9});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a11}) -- ({pic cs:b10});
\draw [->] ([yshift=0pt, xshift=5pt]{pic cs:a12}) -- ({pic cs:b11});
I have two questions:
- How I do make the elements in the two right columns align to the left rather than to the right?
- The table is too big to fit the page - you can see the page number 29 at the bottom of the table. How could I resize or scale it to fit the page?
, notd
which is out of place here. Please, make the example compilable.\centering
, thecenter
environment isn't needed -- get rid of it.