I tried to put 2 braces, one at the top and one at the left, but I got an ugly effect. How to fit both braces with the array?

  lines \overbrace{\left\{\begin{array}{|r|r|r|r|r|}
        4 & 6 & 5 & 7  & 9  \\
        3 & 5 & 7 & 8  & 10 \\
        1 & 3 & 9 & 10 & 12 \\
        2 & 4 & 3 & 9  & 11 \\

enter image description here

  • Instead \documentclass\[12pt\]{report} is correct \documentclass[12pt]{report}. Correcting this I obtain nice braces, only over on also consider left one ...
    – Zarko
    Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 19:59
  • Thank you for the correction @Zarko. Did you get nice braces with this code? the top brace takes the left brace. How to solve this problem? Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 20:04
  • 2
    this looks like what you want: How can I have a brace on the left and the top of a matrix without overlapping? Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 20:05

2 Answers 2


An rude solution, similar to solution which Barbara Beeton pointed in her comment:

enter image description here

lines \left\{\vphantom{\begin{array}{c}
        4 \\
        3 \\
        1 \\
        2 \\
        4 & 6 & 5 & 7  & 9  \\
        3 & 5 & 7 & 8  & 10 \\
        1 & 3 & 9 & 10 & 12 \\
        2 & 4 & 3 & 9  & 11 \\
  • As you pointed, similar. But in fact, better, because make use of all first column with \vphantom. Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 20:23

Here is another solution, based on blkarray:

\usepackage{blkarray, amsmath}


 \hphantom{10}& \hphantom{10} &\hphantom{10} & & \\[-4ex]
 \begin{block}{\Left{\footnotesize lines\,}{\{\hspace{0.8em}}|r|r|r|r|r|}
        4 & 6 & 5 & 7 & 9 \\
        3 & 5 & 7 & 8 & 10 \\
        1 & 3 & 9 & 10 & 12 \\
        2 & 4 & 3 & 9 & 11 \\


enter image description here

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