How can I center the text vertically in my table?

In the followong example "Number" and "Potential" are not centered vertically


\documentclass[fleqn, listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc, a4paper, fontsize=12pt, headsepline, oneside, openright]{scrbook}




Number & Potential \\
01& 681 $\mu{}m$\\
02& 688 $\mu{}m$\\
03& 702 $\mu{}m$\\
04& 716 $\mu{}m$\\
05& 701 $\mu{}m$\\
06& 815 $\mu{}m$\\


enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Don't use extrarowheight. As there's no \extrarowdepth, it won't be vertically centred. U used the cellspace package, which defines minimal vertical padding at the top and bottom of cells in columns with specifiers prefixed with the letter S, or C if you load siunitx – which I did, as the symbols for micrometers should be in upshape font. Also I took the liberty to change your grey to a nicer (for me) shade of grey. B.t.w., if you load xcolor with option [table], you don't have to load colortbl:

\documentclass[fleqn, listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc, a4paper, fontsize=12pt, headsepline, oneside, openright]{scrbook}
\usepackage[table, svgnames]{xcolor}
\usepackage{booktabs,tabularx, float}



    Number & Potential     \\
    01     & \SI{681}{\um} \\
    02     & \SI{688}{\um} \\
    03     & \SI{702}{\um} \\
    04     & \SI{716}{\um} \\
    05     & \SI{701}{\um} \\
    06     & \SI{815}{\um} \\


enter image description here

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