My code is
\node (0,0) {$M = \frac{A+B}{C \times D} + F + G$};
\draw[thick, red, ->] (-0.5,0.5) -- (-.35,2);
\draw[thick, red, ->] (0,0.5) -- (-.15,2);
\draw[thick, ->] (0.7,-0.25) -- (1,-2);
\draw[thick, ->] (1.3,-0.25) -- (1.1,-2);
\node[red, ellipse,draw] (-.2,2.5) {method 1};
\node[ellipse,draw] (1.1,-2.5) {method 2};
And the result is
The result I want is
I'm not sure why the nodes aren't positioning correctly, because I think the coordinates given are right. If someone could help (and even better, explain) that'd be great.
Bonus question: How do you make it so just the node outline and not the text is red?
before the coordinatesdraw=red
instead ofred, draw, ...
. Text will stay black.