\g@addto@macro{\endtabular}{\rowfont{}}% Clear row font
\newcommand{\rowfonttype}{}% Current row font
\newcommand{\rowfont}[1]{% Set current row font
    \footnotesize\caption{\footnotesize AAR,CAAR}
            \captionsetup{justification=justified, singlelinecheck=true}
        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Phase 1} &  \multicolumn{2}{c}{Phase 2} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Phase 3} \\
        Day & AAR & CAAR &  AAR & CAAR & AAR & CAAR\\ 
        $-10$   & 0.00029 & 0.00029 & $-0.00077$ &  $-0.00077$& $-0.00116$ & $-0.00116$ \\
                & (0.09) &  (0.09) & $(-0.36)$ & $(-0.36)$&$(-0.42)$ &$ (-0.42)$
        \item[*] $p<0.05$
        \item[**] $p<0.01$
        \item[***] $p<0.001$


Hello,again!I am trying to center 6 right columns and have no clue where to put "C" in this expression :


I would appreciate any help!

1 Answer 1


Add >{\centering\arraybackslash} in font of the 6 last specifiers. However, the table is a little too wide for the text width, so I used a tabularx environment, which computes the width of the X columns, given the total width of the table.

\usepackage[a4paper,  showframe]{geometry}
\usepackage{array,  tabularx}
\g@addto@macro{\endtabular}{\rowfont{}}% Clear row font
\newcommand{\rowfonttype}{}% Current row font
\newcommand{\rowfont}[1]{% Set current row font


    \footnotesize\caption{\footnotesize AAR,CAAR}
            \captionsetup{justification=justified, singlelinecheck=true}
    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{C@{\hspace{1cm}}*{6}{ >{\centering\arraybackslash}X}}
        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Phase 1} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Phase 2} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Phase 3} \\
 Day & AAR & CAAR & AAR & CAAR & AAR & CAAR\\ \midrule $-10$ & 0.00029 & 0.00029 & $-0.00077$ & $-0.00077$& $-0.00116$ & $-0.00116$ \\
  & (0.09) & (0.09) & $(-0.36)$ & $(-0.36)$&$(-0.42)$ &$ (-0.42)$ \\
        \item[*] $p<0.05$
        \item[**] $p<0.01$
        \item[***] $p<0.001$


enter image description here


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