The command \newtheorem
in the ACM sig-alternate
document class takes two arguments. The first is the name of the environment and the second is the header, rendered in small-caps letters, that appears at the start of each occurrence of the construct.
Example MWE:
\newtheorem{IP}{Interpretation Problem}
% Copyright
\conferenceinfo{PLDI '13}{June 16--19, 2013, Seattle, WA, USA}
\conferenceinfo{WOODSTOCK}{'97 El Paso, Texas USA}
\affaddr{Department of Computer Science and Engineering}
% 2nd. author
\affaddr{Department of Computer Science and Engineering}\\
\begin{abstract} Here is the abstract.
This is the first section.
Given a set of services $S$ consisting $o$ operations, identify the subset of faulty operations...
By this, its appropriate number is appended and the text is set in italics.
I want to remove the numbering from this environment. How to do that?
Moreover, IEEE supports this. If we use
It would meet the need. However, the same is not working in ACM SIG template. Please suggest how to fix this issue.
The snapshot is attached for your reference. Have a look. How to remove the numbering from the newtheorem style environment.
environment isn't defined. Also, the\author{...}
statements are missing.