I am really struggling with a situation where the following code of mine works in Miktex, but my colleague who uses Scientific Workplace gets the formatting completely wrong (in particular, the table note takes the entire page and is centered, and the caption writes ? in each page It's a real mess). Could anybody enlighten me on how to fix the code below? I am really lost here. :( I am aware of the similar posts and did read them all, but they do not help me fix up what's wrong with the below code. I will really appreciate a hand... thanks so much
\item \small{Text Text Text.}
\begin{longtable}{ | l c | c c c c c c | c |}
\label{tab:Table jj} \\
{ Table \thetable{} (continued) } \\
8888 & 360 (96) & 88886 & 88887.3 & 88880.8888 & 05.5 & 39.4 & 88880 & 66 \\
8888 & 888800 (75) & 88880.4 & 0.6 & 5.0 & 40.8888 & 88888888.0 & 6.7 & 36 \\
& 888860 (2222) & 7.6 & 7.8888 & 8888.5 & 88880.6 & 0.6 & 5.0 & 88889 \\
& 98888 (88884) & 6.0 & 6.4 & 8888.0 & 88886.9 & 7.7 & 5.5 & 88885 \\
& & & & & & & & \\
& & & & & & & & \\
& & & & & & & & \\
8888 & 360 (96) & 988883XX & 888879XX & 8888.8888B & 88888888.6B & 747XX & 55XX & 66 \\
8888 & 888800 (75) & 300XX & 60XX & 788888888XX & 6.9B & 888868888XX & 88885XX & 36 \\
3 & 888860 (2222) & 888808888XX & 59XX & 336XX & 8888.9B & 888898888XX & 88888888XX & 88889 \\
4 & 98888 (88884) & 888835XX & 46XX & 888800XX & 8888.8888B & 888879XX & 88880XX & 88885 \\
5 & 30 (88880) & 08888XX & 43XX & 888808888XX & 488888888XX & 08888XX & 88885XX & 34 \\
& & & & & & & & \\
& & & & & & & & \\
& & & & & & & & \\
to your code, I was able to compile your example without experiencing any problems on my TeX system (MacTeX2016).