I would like to place an arrow tip in the middle of an arrow, like one does in TikZ with markings
, but in a tikz-cd
diagram. The documentation seems not to tell me anything about how to achieve this. I thought of using \to
as a description
. I haven't tried that yet, and it may work fine, but it seems cumbersome to use a label description to achieve a mid-arrow tip. Is there a more semantically proper way to do this?
1 Answer
is still Tikz, so you can use \tikzset
to set up a style for the middle arrow. Of course, this means that markings
works as well.
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings, arrows.meta}
marrow/.style={decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.5 with {\arrow{#1}}}, postaction=decorate}
a \ar[rrr, marrow=>] & & & b \\[2mm]
c \ar[rrr, -Latex, marrow=Latex] & & & d