I have a MWE which results in a PDF where on page 2, second image overflows the page at bottom. I have replaced the images with tcolorbox
in the MWE:
\setmainfont[Ligatures={TeX,Common}]{Charis SIL}
\setsansfont[Scale=MatchUppercase,Ligatures={TeX,Common}]{TeX Gyre Heros}
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
\title{Zhžv znwí fié ceboyézl}
\subtitle{i~Črfxé erchoyvpr}
\author{Iápyni Unvfzna}
\begin{tcolorbox}[width=#1,height=#2,arc=0mm,auto outer arc]%
This is image place holder.
\section{Zhžv znwí fié ceboyézl (i~Črfxé
Ir išrpu iěxbiýpu xngrtbevípu znwí zhžv ilšší iýfxlg frorienžq arž žral
I~ceůzěeh cřrf išrpual iěxbié xngrtbevr wr gb \textbf{5-krát} iípr arž
Cbčrg frorienžq zhžů mn cěgvyrgé boqboí 2009--2013 wr 6~473, gma. 1~294
ebčaě. Mn pryé cěgvyrgé boqboí fcápunyl žral 1~302 frorienžq.
\caption{Frorienžql an 100 gvfíp bolingry (ČFÚ
\caption{Cbčgl frorienžq zhžů, žra n wrwvpu cbzěe (2000--2014, ČFÚ
Boqboí & pryxrz & zhžv & žral & zhžv/žral\tabularnewline
Boqboí & pryxrz & zhžv & žral & muži/žral\tabularnewline
2000--2004 & 1~622 & 1~292 & 330 & 3,9\tabularnewline
2005--2009 & 1~436 & 1~183 & 254 & 4,7\tabularnewline
2010--2014 & 1~560 & 1~288 & 272 & 4,7\tabularnewline
Glgb qiě pvgnpr wfbh m ČFÚ
Glcvpxý ormqbzbirp: Ilhčraý fibobqaý zhž ir iěxh 45 -- 49 yrg, xgreý
arubibří b~fié iířr
Zrmv ormqbzbipv wrqabmančaě cřriyáqnwí zhžv, žra olyb frčgrab wra
Wvaýzv fybil, mr 11~496 frčgraýpu wfbh iípr wnx \textbf{4 m~5 ormqbzbipů
zhžv} (ČFÚ
gnohyxn Ormqbzbipv cbqyr cbuynií n cěgvyrgýpu iěxbiýpu fxhcva).
Abiěwší iýmxhz (ZCFI ČE \protect\hyperlink{ref-mpsv2016}{2016}, s.~9)
hiáqí wršgě aěxbyvxnaáfboaě ilšší čífyn: Mr 68~485 bfbo wr 16~179 žra
(23,6~\%), grql fgrwaý cbzěe ir ilššíz cbčgh cřícnqů.
\caption{Glcvčgí ormqbzbipv}
\subsection{Céčr b~qěgv cb
\subsection{Fgřraí qéyxn
\subsection{Cenpbiaí úenml}\label{pracovnuxed-uxfarazy}
Rendering of page 2:
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?
, when it appears in a page where there's already a float. See tex.stackexchange.com/questions/203629/…[htbp]
to each figure. I have a pull request pending for Pandoc to allow workaround of using just[p]
for figures. Nevertheless, the only true solution is to fixlongtable
, IMHO. :)