I dont know if this is a well known problem.

I recently used hyperref to make my table of contents clickable, but then I found out that throughout the document, wherever footnote would appear i.e.

enter image description here

Clicking on the footnote number will cause the pdf to jump back to the table of contents (which is on the first page).

Is there a way to prevent this behavior, or even better, clicking on the number makes the pdf jumps to the footnote?

Minimum Working Example as requested:


\usepackage{hyperref}                 % natha daga thia!

\title{Ayuda Me}



{\bfseries Things I love about Mexico}

\begin{longtable}{ | m{5.5cm} |}
Princess Yagoda\footnote{Tacos!}\\ \hline


  • 2
    Please post a minimum working example that generates the problem you're encountering. Be sure to mention which document class and which TeX or LaTeX format you employ.
    – Mico
    Commented Aug 29, 2016 at 5:52

1 Answer 1


This is a problem of loading order of packages. Generally hyperref needs to be the last package you load. (There are some exceptions, see Which packages should be loaded after hyperref instead of before?.) Moving hyperref to be the last package loaded in your preamble fixes the linking problem of the footnote.



\title{Ayuda Me}



{\bfseries Things I love about Mexico}

\begin{longtable}{ | m{5.5cm} |}
Princess Yagoda\footnote{Tacos!}\\ \hline



The information about where to load the hyperref package may be found at the beginning of section 2 of the hyperref manual, which you may be able to access via texdoc hyperref on your system.

  • Sincere thanks from Her highness Princess Yagoda!
    – Fraïssé
    Commented Aug 29, 2016 at 6:52

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