I want to typeset something like this: 3.0 × 3.0 × 0.9 mm
How can I do that in LaTeX (using siunitx
So far, I have this:
\num{3.0} × \num{3.0} × \SI{0.9}{\milli\metre}
But probably someone else knows a better solution.
\SI[product-units = single]{2 x 3 x 4}{\milli\metre}
From section 5.13 Numbers with units of the manual.
\sisetup{product-units = single}
, so you don't have to give the option every time.
\SI[product-units=power]{2 x 3 x 4}{\milli\metre}
if you are interested in the volume (I know you aren't).
in siunitx version 3.
to avoid confusion3 x 3 x 0.9 mm^3
, since the expression describes a volume, not a length?