I'm using chemfig for my chemistry course this period, and facing problems with the alignment of the molecules, arrows, + signs and also the names. Basically everything is messed up haha.
Can someone explain me how to do it right? I would like to have the molecules' center on one horizontal line, the arrows and + signs aligning that line and the names aligned horizontally just below the biggest molecule.
Thanks in advance, Lisa
\chemname{\chemfig{OH-[:210,,1]-[:270]=_[:210]-[:150]=_[:90]-[:30](=_[:330])-[:90](-[:30,,,1]OH)=[:150]O}}{salicylic acid}
\chemname{\chemfig{-[:30](=[:90]O)-[:330]O-[:30](-[:330])=[:90]O}}{acetic anhydride}
\chemname{\chemfig{OH-[:210,,1](=[:150]O)-[:270]=_[:330](-[:30]O-[:330](=[:270]O)-[:30])-[:270]=_[:210]-[:150]=_[:90](-[:30])}}{acetylsalicylic acid}
\chemname{\chemfig{-[:30](-[:330,,,1]OH)=[:90]O}}{acetic acid}
\caption{Reaction for synthesizing acetylsalicylic acid} \label{fig:reaction}