I'm giving students a problem involving eight limit/function requirements and would like them to be equally spaced onto two lines. Here's the code:

\documentclass[11pt, bothsides]{exam}
\question[10] Draw an example of a function $f(x)$ that satisfies the following conditions:
    $$\lim_{x\to4}f(x) \hspace{.1in} \text{exists}$$
    $$\lim_{x\to4}f(x)\neq f(4)$$

But here's the output:

Note the uneven first column

Any ideas why this might be the case? I think it may be due to the extrawidth command, but removing it just screws things up a bit more:

All bets are off

Any ideas? It's not a deal-breaker, but would like to help understand things. Perhaps an array would be better?

  • The immediate cause of the problem you've run into is the absence of a \noindent instruction immediately after \begin{multicols}{4}. Your code raises some other issues, though, which I've tried to address in my answer.
    – Mico
    Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 17:17
  • @Mico, a quick follow-up: since I'm using the exam package I often have scenarios where, for example, I have four quick derivative problems that I'd like to space out in a 2x2 array. Any thoughts on this? It seems that using alignat* or gather* will cause some issues. I have been using 'multicols' to solve this so far. Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 17:32
  • Could you spell out the "issues" that might be caused by using the alignat* and gather* environments? At any rate, there's nothing stopping you from setting up a 2x2 array environment, is there?
    – Mico
    Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 20:03

1 Answer 1


Since you're also loading the amsmath package, you might as well make use of its alignat* environment to line up the 8 equations. In the example below, I've set a distance of 4em (equivalent to 4 "quads") between the columns; feel free to modify the spacing as you see fit.

enter image description here

\documentclass[11pt, bothsides]{exam}
\question[10] Draw an example of a function $f(x)$ that satisfies the following conditions:

 \lim_{x\to4}f(x) \text{ exists}&&
 \lim_{x\to4}f(x)\neq f(4)

I think of the multicols environment as something meant primarily for text. Using (abusing?!) this environment to typeset a bunch of displayed equations probably raises all kinds of issues that the package's author never considered. If, for some reason, you simply must use it in your code, I would suggest you use a gather* environment instead of 8 individual displayed equations. Oh, and observe the use of \noindent after \begin{multicols}{4}.

enter image description here

\documentclass[11pt, bothsides]{exam}
\question[10] Draw an example of a function $f(x)$ that satisfies the following conditions:

\lim_{x\to4}f(x) \text{ exists}\\
\lim_{x\to4}f(x)\neq f(4)
  • Both solutions are great, and thanks for the quicker fix of \noindent. I'll make some changes for next time using \alignat* and I'll look up some more examples to get a better handle on the usage. Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 18:05

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