Miktex.org reports that there are currently 3162 packages.
What does a package mean?
In a most simple case it is a .sty file. But some .sty files load other .sty files, some of which can be used as separate package but some other cannot.
How does Miktex counts packages? I have a local copy of Miktex repository. It counts 3084 files most of which are of .lzma type. Could it be that miktex consider a .lzma file as a separate package?
And the last question: how can one evaluate number of installed packages? Miktex Package Manager shows that currently I have little more than 200 .lzma packages installed. Does it mean that more than 90% of the ctan repository is useless for a typical TeX user.
contains 5 packages in the LaTeX sense). Some are dedicated to MiKteX binaries or MiKTeX configuration files. 2) What is a typical TeX user ? Maths packages are probably useless for the average student in Humanities, as are TikZ or pstricks. On the other hand, I'll probably never use xepersian, nor hieroglyphic, nor biblatex-philosophy.