I have a single table over more pages and when I use \cline at the end of the last row in a page, the line appears only at the end of the page but not in the begin of the new page at the first row of the table.
With \hline I have the effect that I want but the line pass through all the columns.
I give an example:
Any suggestion?
\newcolumntype{K}{>{\RaggedRight\arraybackslash \columncolor{blue!10}}m{3cm}}
\rowcolor{gray!50}\textbf{a} & \textbf{b} & \textbf{c} & \textbf{d}\\
\rowcolor{lightgray} & & & \\
\rowcolor{lightgray} & & & \\
& & & \\
\textbf{Bla bla bla}\par
& r & Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ut elit ac ipsum placerat scelerisque eget id justo. Ut cursus viverra neque, in porta justo facilisis sit amet. Donec vitae libero a diam lobortis ultrices. Vestibulum metus urna, pharetra et cursus quis, eleifend ut dui. Phasellus pellentesque, quam et hendrerit. & d \\
& & & \\
& r& Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ut elit ac ipsum placerat scelerisque eget id justo. hendrerit. & k
& & &
& g & Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ut elit ac ipsum placerat scelerisque eget id justo. Ut cursus viverra neque, in porta justo facilisis sit amet. Donec vitae libero a diam lobortis ultrices. Vestibulum metus urna, pharetra et cursus quis, eleifend ut dui. Phasellus pellentesque, quam et hendrerit. & p
probably works (you don't say but I assume this is longtable?)