This question is both on LaTeX and on mathematics writing style; I hope that's still apropriate here.
I have a proof that ends with a (right) numbered equation, and I'm pondering about where to put the QED symbol. The standard right margin position conflicts with the equation number, so what would be considered best style for the QED placement?
Secondly, I use the ntheorem package, but cannot place the QED symbol using \qedhere
on this equation line. Is there a (simple) way to solve this?
package with the optionsamsmath
-- as in\usepackage[amsmath,thmmarks]{ntheorem}
-- to enable the automatic placement of end-of-theorem marks (and to improve compatibility with amsmath)?ntheorem
with options including these. If I use an unnumbered equation, then the QED symbol is placed fine, with and without an explicit\qedhere