it's me again. :) Still trying to set up a ConTeXt environment file for a book layout.
I have now run into a problem that I wouldn't have thought would appear. Here's a MWE:
\definecolor[lightbrown] [r=0.83, g=0.76, b=0.71]
backspace=11.67mm, width=131.25mm,
topspace=21.21mm, height=254.57mm,
headerdistance=13pt, header=13pt,
footerdistance=13pt, footer=13pt,
rightmargindistance=13pt, rightmargin=39.5mm,
\setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided, location=]
\chapter{Testing Margin Notes}
And here's how this looks like:
I'm sure, you can see the problem: The margin note that I placed in the outer margin on the first page is too long for the margin area and reaches into the footer, down to the end of the page.
Now, I do realize that this is one long margin note, and margin notes won't usually be that long. However, if I understand it correctly, this problem can occur, even if the margin notes are as short as, say, two or three lines: As soon as they are placed close enough to the end of the text area, they will run into the footer.
Frankly, I wouldn't have thought that I would have to deal with a low-level typesetting problem such as this. In my opinion, unless the system can solve situations like this (maybe by shifting the margin notes upwards a bit or by breaking them across pages), margin notes are pretty unusable. So, I'm thinking I must be missing something. Is there a good solution for this?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: As I mentioned in a comment below, I do realize that margin notes crossing pages is difficult to achieve for various reasons. But that's not what I need, anyway. All I need is a somewhat automatic way for preventing really short margin notes (say, three or four lines) to extend below the end of the text area. The way margin notes currently work (please correct me, if I'm wrong) means, I will always have to manually tweak their position, if, by chance, they end up too far down on the page. It's this manual intervention that I would like to avoid.