I'd like to be able to place multiple sub and superscripts (in maths mode) on an element without having them expand vertically. That is, so that in the output of ${x^2_4}^6_8$
, the 2 and 6 were aligned, as were the 4 and 8 (obviously, I'd expect to do this with a macro rather than the super- and subscript commands). As a bonus, it'd be nice to be able to control whether or not this appeared like $x^{26}_{48}$
or $x^{2\phantom{4}6}_{\phantom{2}4\phantom{6}8}$
. And it would be nice to truly be able to do this incrementally, so that each subscript or superscript could be added without having to know all the previous ones (useful for adding stuff via macros). Simply writing $x^2_4{}^6_8$
wouldn't work as the latter super and subscripts wouldn't know the difference between x and X and ∏.
(see also non-kludgey left subscripts)