I want to create a symbol "\bulletplus" which is basically a plus symbol with a bullet in middle. The symbol should have the same width and height as an usual plus.


How do I create this using only latex commands? (maybe with the help of tikz)

  • OOC, what kind of sentential connective is this supposed to be?
    – naphaneal
    Commented Oct 28, 2016 at 22:36

4 Answers 4


Version with scaled down bullet

The following example

  • centers the bullet on the plus sign,

  • respects the current math style, and

  • uses a scaled down version of the bullet, which can be configured by setting macro \bulletplusscale.

  • The symbol behaves as math binary operator as the plus sign.

Full example:


  % #1: math style
  % #2: unused (empty)
  \sbox2{$#1\vcenter{}$}% math axis
    \hbox to \wd0{% centers the bullet in the space of the plus sign.
      % The bullet is moved to the base line, scaled, and
      % moved back.

\[ A \bulletplus B_{A \bulletplus B_{A \bulletplus B}}\]


Older version with \bullet in original size


  % #1: math style
  % #2: unused (empty)
    \hbox to \wd0{\hfil$#1\bullet\m@th$\hfil}%

\[ A \bulletplus B_{A \bulletplus B_{A \bulletplus B}}\]


  • Nice but the OP gave an example in which the bullet looks much smaller.
    – Denis
    Commented Oct 28, 2016 at 11:24
  • @Denis Yes, see updated answer (it took some time to implement). Commented Oct 28, 2016 at 11:33
  • Quite nice and flexible imhp. Hope the OP likes it.
    – Denis
    Commented Oct 28, 2016 at 11:39

You can overprint the characters and force the result to be a \mathbin, like +

enter image description here




A solution with stackengine:

\documentclass[border = 2pt]{standalone}

 \usepackage{stackengine} %


 $ x \bullplus y$


enter image description here


I suggest the following code:






You might want to fine-tune it regarding the bullet's size.

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