I am currently having the following beamer frame but I would like it to be aligned the table next to the problem.

enter image description here

I would like to have the optimization problem to the left and the table to the right. I am not sure how to float the table to right

The code is here http://pastebin.com/CdZnGBc4



    \max \quad b^T y \\
    A^Ty + s &= c \\
    s &\geq 0 


    obj                                                               & \multicolumn{1}{c:}{$0 \hdots 0$} & \multicolumn{4}{c:}{$-x_B^T$}                                   & \multicolumn{5}{l|}{$0 \hdots 0$}                  \\ \hline
    \multirow{4}{*}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}\\y\\ \\ \\s\end{tabular}} & \multicolumn{1}{c:}{}        & \multicolumn{4}{c:}{}                                   & \multicolumn{5}{l|}{}    
    \\& \multicolumn{1}{c:}{I} & \multicolumn{4}{c:}{$A_B^-T$}                                   & \multicolumn{5}{l|}{$\quad 0$}\\& \multicolumn{1}{c:}{} & \multicolumn{4}{c:}{}                                   & \multicolumn{5}{l|}{}\\ \hdashline%\cline{2-11} 
                                                                      & \multirow{3}{*}{$\quad 0$}            & \multicolumn{4}{c:}{\multirow{3}{*}{$-A_N^TA_B^{-T}$}} & \multicolumn{5}{l|}{\multirow{3}{*}{$\quad I$}} \\
                                                                      &                               & \multicolumn{4}{c:}{}                                           & \multicolumn{5}{l|}{}                   \\
                                                                      &                               & \multicolumn{4}{c:}{}                                           & \multicolumn{5}{l|}{}                   \\ \hline


1 Answer 1


To position elements besides each other, columns are pretty convenient with beamer.

I took the liberty to simplify the table a bit. Please check if it displays as you want.




            \max \quad b^T y \\
            A^Ty + s &= c \\
            s &\geq 0 

                obj     & $0\dots0$ & $-x_B^T$          & $0\dots0$\\\hline
                y       & I         & $A_B^-T$        & 0\\\hdashline
                s       & 0         & $-A_N^TA_B^{-T}$  & 1\\\hline



enter image description here

Or if you want more control over the width of the table columns:




            \max \quad b^T y \\
            A^Ty + s &= c \\
            s &\geq 0 

                obj     & $0\dots0$ & $-x_B^T$          & $0\dots0$\\\hline
                y       & I         & $A_B^-T$        & 0\\\hdashline
                s       & 0         & $-A_N^TA_B^{-T}$  & 1\\\hline



enter image description here

  • should i be using any packages?
    – Morpheus
    Nov 10, 2016 at 18:29
  • 1
    @Morpheus No, in fact you have too many packages. \usepackage{graphicx}, \usepackage{color} can be removed as beamer already provides these functionalities. Nov 10, 2016 at 18:31
  • 1
    (And TikZ loads both anyway.) By the way, \setlength\extrarowheight{4pt} will help a bit for the superscript T in the first row. Nov 10, 2016 at 18:33
  • @samcarter Thanks a lot for simplifying it. The reason for multicolumn is sometimes i need to have the cells big or small. Can i change the width of the cell $x_B^T$ to double of what it is now?
    – Morpheus
    Nov 10, 2016 at 19:06
  • 1
    @Morpheus See the edit. Nov 10, 2016 at 19:26

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