I am trying to use tikzmark to do two different things and whilst each one works fine on its own, when I merge the latex code for each one, I get an error. I think it is something to do with how I am using tikzmark, but not sure.
The first piece of code, which draws boxes around numbers in a matrix, works fine and is:
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
\coordinate (TopLeft) at ($(#2)+(-0.2em,0.9em)$);
\coordinate (BottomRight) at ($(#3)+(0.2em,-0.3em)$);
\path (TopLeft); \pgfgetlastxy{\XCoord}{\IgnoreCoord};
\path (BottomRight); \pgfgetlastxy{\IgnoreCoord}{\YCoord};
\coordinate (LabelPoint) at ($(\XCoord,\YCoord)!0.5!(BottomRight)$);
\draw [red,#1] (TopLeft) rectangle (BottomRight);
\node [below, #1, fill=none, fill opacity=1] at (LabelPoint) {#4};
%Now Drawbox thing
\begin{equation} \label{eq:ODP all terms matrix}
\kbordermatrix{\mbox{cells} & (1,2) & (2,1) & (2,2)\\
(1,2)&\tikzmark{leftx}205.1354\tikzmark{rightx} & 0.0000 & 102.5677\\
(2,1)&0.0000 & \tikzmark{lefty}286.1821 & 57.2364 \\
(2,2)&102.5677 & 57.2364 & 206.9669\tikzmark{righty}
\DrawBox[thick, black,dashed,fill=gray, fill opacity=0.3]{leftx}{rightx}{}
\DrawBox[thick, black, dashed,fill=gray,fill opacity=0.3]{lefty}{righty}{}
The second piece of code, which draws some arrows below a table, which also works fine (thanks to user Bordaigorl) is:
remember picture,
arr/.style={draw=gray,line width=2pt, {-latex}, #1},
([xshift=1ex]pic cs:#2)
to[out=-50,in=-150,looseness=1.0] node[below=0pt] {#4}
([xshift=-1ex]pic cs:#3);
\caption{png version - low res}
\caption{tikz version}
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{Development year} \\
{Year} & {1} & {2} & {3} & {4} & {5} & {6} \\
2009 & 443 & 1,136 & 2,128 & 2,898 & 3,403 & 3,873 \\
2010 & 396 & 1,333 & 2,181 & 2,986 & 3,692 & \\
2011 & 441 & 1,288 & 2,420 & 3,483 & & \\
2012 & 359 & 1,421 & 2,864 & & & \\
2013 & 377 & 1,363 & & & & \\
2014 & \tikzmark{start1B}344\phantom{,3}& \tikzmark{start2B}- & \tikzmark{start3B} - & \tikzmark{start4B} - & \tikzmark{start5B} - &\tikzmark{start6B} - \\
But when I merge them together, I get an error. The merged code is below:
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
\coordinate (TopLeft) at ($(#2)+(-0.2em,0.9em)$);
\coordinate (BottomRight) at ($(#3)+(0.2em,-0.3em)$);
\path (TopLeft); \pgfgetlastxy{\XCoord}{\IgnoreCoord};
\path (BottomRight); \pgfgetlastxy{\IgnoreCoord}{\YCoord};
\coordinate (LabelPoint) at ($(\XCoord,\YCoord)!0.5!(BottomRight)$);
\draw [red,#1] (TopLeft) rectangle (BottomRight);
\node [below, #1, fill=none, fill opacity=1] at (LabelPoint) {#4};
remember picture,
arr/.style={draw=gray,line width=2pt, {-latex}, #1},
([xshift=1ex]pic cs:#2)
to[out=-50,in=-150,looseness=1.0] node[below=0pt] {#4}
([xshift=-1ex]pic cs:#3);
\caption{Using tikzmark}
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{Development year} \\
{Year} & {1} & {2} & {3} & {4} & {5} & {6} \\
2009 & 443 & 1,136 & 2,128 & 2,898 & 3,403 & 3,873 \\
2010 & 396 & 1,333 & 2,181 & 2,986 & 3,692 & \\
2011 & 441 & 1,288 & 2,420 & 3,483 & & \\
2012 & 359 & 1,421 & 2,864 & & & \\
2013 & 377 & 1,363 & & & & \\
2014 & \tikzmark{start1B}344\phantom{,3}& \tikzmark{start2B}- & \tikzmark{start3B} - & \tikzmark{start4B} - & \tikzmark{start5B} - &\tikzmark{start6B} - \\
%Now Drawbox thing
\begin{equation} \label{eq:ODP all terms matrix}
\kbordermatrix{\mbox{cells} & (1,2) & (2,1) & (2,2)\\
(1,2)&\tikzmark{leftx}205.1354\tikzmark{rightx} & 0.0000 & 102.5677\\
(2,1)&0.0000 & \tikzmark{lefty}286.1821 & 57.2364 \\
(2,2)&102.5677 & 57.2364 & 206.9669\tikzmark{righty}
\DrawBox[thick, black,dashed,fill=gray, fill opacity=0.3]{leftx}{rightx}{}
\DrawBox[thick, black, dashed,fill=gray,fill opacity=0.3]{lefty}{righty}{}
I think it must be something to do with using \newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}
in the first piece of code and then \usetikzlibrary{tikzmark,arrows.meta,patterns,calc}
in the second piece of code, so I guess there is probably a simple solution, but it has failed me so far. Can anyone help please?