I'm a OSX user with BasicTex installed trough Homebrew.
When I used a version tagged like Tex Live 2015 and I had installed LatexMk with had the following binary latexmk
With this I was able to run latexmk -C
and latexmk -pdf -g random.tex
Now that I have installed the latest version of Tex Live 2016 and installed LatexMk and new binary is available, latex-mk
And the previous command does not work with the new binary.
I have looked into the help pages of latex-mk
but did not found which are the new parameters to substitute for.
Any advice? Thanks in advance.
is a different beast thanlatexmk
. It is part of TeXlive-2016.latexmk
, so after looking I foundlatex-mk
and thought they were the same. I was wrong, but I did thought that disruptive changes were a strange thing. Anyway, thanks, I will try it to find it.sudo tlmgr install latexmk