I have 3 sub bar plots which placed vertically in line. But the 3rd one doesn´t show totally due to space limitation. Mico suggested me to use figure and subfigure environment. I have changed table subtable to figure subfigure. Now the problem is with \textwidth. I have already given a number to it, but TexMaker still tell me missing number, and it´s illegal unit of measure..
error msg: ! Missing number, treated as zero. } l.16 \begin{subfigure}{0.9\textwidth} A number should have been here; I inserted
0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up
weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) ! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
My script is under, here I present only one bar plot in order to shorten the script :
width = 1*\textwidth,
height = 8cm,
enlarge y limits={upper, value=0.2},
major x tick style = transparent,
bar width=20pt,
ymajorgrids = true,
ylabel = {Percentage Error in X Direction \%},
symbolic x coords={FH,UT,LT},
xtick = data,
nodes near coords,
scaled y ticks = false,
enlarge x limits=0.25,
legend cell align=left,
legend style={
anchor=south east,
column sep=1ex
coordinates {(FH, 100) (UT,100) (LT,100)};
coordinates {(FH, 89) (UT,170) (LT,173)};
\caption{In longitudinal Direction}
Thank you in advance!
environments. Just for the record: I did not recommend that you load thesubfigure